Welcome to the Innovation Lab

Green hornet logo with text: Washington Elementary School Hornet Heroes

Green hornet logo with text: Washington Elementary School Hornet Heroes

Green hornet logo with text: Washington Elementary School Hornet Heroes

Mrs. Fabiola Nuñez, the Digital Learning Specialist, standing in the library

Mrs. Fabiola Nuñez, the Digital Learning Specialist, with her husband and three kids

Mrs. Fabiola Nuñez, our Digital Learning Specialist, will be teaching the Innovation Lab special in the library for all students K-6th. Mrs. Nuñez holds a bachelor's degree in Computer Engineering and brings many experiences with her from time she spent as a programmer for Procter & Gamble as well as teaching technology to students in high school and college. 

Starting in 2009, Mrs. Nuñez transitioned to the United States for new opportunities. As she shares, "I came to the USA with a goal of using my education to start a new career. To achieve this goal I took English classes while my educational degrees were being reviewed. I also volunteered for Warsaw Community Schools as a substitute teacher, interpreter for ESL, and as a computer technician. The next year I was hired as a level-one technician for the district. I loved my job and the challenge of always learning and improving my skills. I am dedicated to the WCS mission."

Mrs. Nuñez comes from a family of educators. Her parents are retired middle school teachers in Mexico. This environment has fostered a desire to inspire dreams for students and enrich the lives of those around her. As she states, "I love to learn and education is very important for all the students because they are our future. I love technology, it is my passion and this position is a perfect combination of all I love to do. I can't wait to learn from all the great teachers, students and staff at Washington as I embark on this new journey." Mrs. Nuñez and her husband Berto have three girls, Samary (2012), Sofia (2014), and Sara (2016). 

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  • Go Hornets Heroes!

The Washington Innovation Lab embraces Warsaw Community School's mission to inspire and equip all students to continuously acquire and apply knowledge and skills while pursuing their dreams and enriching the lives of others.

We understand and undertake the responsibilities identified in the American Library Association’s Bill of Rights.

We also use the AASL's National School Library Standards as a guide to support our curriculum and our students.

If you have any questions, or need some help please contact Mrs. Nunez at mnunez@warsawschools.org.

Washington STEM. At Warsaw Community Schools, we want students to know how to select and use the best sources of information for learning. All of these great sources can be accessed from home by visiting http://destiny.warsaw.k12.in.us and clicking on the school. Encyclopedia Britannica and Image Quest: username:warsawcomm., password: access. Science Flix UN:weswcsc PW: weswcsc. PebbleGo and Pebblego Next, UN: washingtonelem PW:  read.  Gale and Info bits: username: war3108. Destiny and MackinVia e-Books, WCS username and password. Brainpop, username: wesin, pw: brainpop. Tumblebooks, un:washingtonin, PW books


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Student reading in the Washington Elementary Library

Group of 20 students with a teacher in a classroom

Large group of students walking around at a book fair

Student at the library computer surrounded by books

Students in a classroom on iPads all playing the same game that is projected on the screen at the front of the room